I received an invite around a week ago from a Facebook contact inviting me to play Realm of Empires. I didn't know what it was at first but I didn't have anything to do so I joined. I figured my friend may benefit if I joined his 'clan' even if I wasn't active.
I signed up and went through the tutorial. Slowly, it got me interested. It's a real time game. Since I'm online all the time, this is perfect. And it gave an option to fight other players, even better.
So I'm part of a clan. I'm building my village. I'm scouting my neighbors and growing enough strength to fight them. It has become part of my daily routine. And I'm trying to make friends with my clanmates.
I found out that it has been running for quite some time but unlike other games where a newbie wouldn't stand a chance, this one has several realms. If you're new and wouldn't want to go against old and strong players, just play on the newer realm.
I'm actually playing while I'm writing. I'm just waiting for my Treasury to finish upgrading. And it just did. Time to play again. So if you need more information, try to check on their link, http://www.realmofempires.com